Schlagwort-Archive: SAP

WebChannel 7 for SAP ERP: Setting up an NWDI track in NW 7.3


Setting up a track in NetWeaver 7.0 is well documented. You can find it in in Service Marketplace at the CRM installation guides. It is a different story for NetWeaver 7.3. As support for NW 7 is running out, it might be a good idea to set up new projects in a NW 7.3 environment. Therefore we will go through a setup of a track in NW 7.3 and how to connect the track to a run-time system. In this case we will just the NWDI as run-time system. This is not recommended in a live environment. But hey, it’s a sandbox to play with. This tutorial is for people with experience with SAP software and especially the WebChannel application. We will only go through the ERP part. CRM is working accordingly, you just need more SCAs. Please keep this in mind.

(Updated 04.05.2012)